It is shown that a considerable simplification can be attained in writing down matrix elements for complex processes in electrodynamics.
This section is referring to wiki page- of zone section-0 that is inherited from the zone section- by prime spin- and span- with the partitions as below.
All matrix elements are now finite, with the exception of those relating to problems of vacuum polarization. The more conventional Hamiltonian point of view is discussed.
Basic Transformation
The first appearance of e in a printed publication was in Euler's Mechanica (1736). It is unknown why Euler chose the letter e.
Leonhard Euler started to use the letter e for the constant in 1727 or 1728, in an unpublished paper on explosive forces in cannons, and in a letter to Christian Goldbach on 25 November 1731. (Wikipedia)
It turns out that the basic idea of QED can be communicated while assuming that the square of the total of the probability amplitudes mentioned above (P(A to B), E(C to D) and j) acts just like our everyday probability (a simplification made in Feynman’s book). Later on, this will be corrected to include specifically quantum-style mathematics, following Feynman.
The basic rules of probability amplitudes that will be used are:
- If an event can occur via a number of indistinguishable alternative processes (a.k.a. “virtual” processes), then its probability amplitude is the sum of the probability amplitudes of the alternatives.
- If a virtual process involves a number of independent or concomitant sub-processes, then the probability amplitude of the total (compound) process is the product of the probability amplitudes of the sub-processes.
The indistinguishability criterion in (a) is very important: it means that there is no observable feature present in the given system that in any way “reveals” which alternative is taken. In such a case, one cannot observe which alternative actually takes place without changing the experimental setup in some way (e.g. by introducing a new apparatus into the system). (Wikipedia)
It should be remembered that the expression hides a lot of complexity. We have summed over all possible timeorderings and summed over all polarization states of the virtual photon. If we are then presented with a new Feynman diagram we don’t want to go through the full calculation again. Fortunately this isn’t necessary – can just write down matrix element using a set of simple rules Basic Feynman Rules: e+ g m+ Propagator factor for each internal line (i. e. each internal virtual particle) Dirac Spinor for each external line e–
Mapping Scheme
Within a cycle this scheme would generate the prime platform which is performing the rank of 10 shapes starting with the primes 2,3,5,7.
Via the 11 partitions as the lexer and 13 frames as the parser we do a recombination to build the grammar in 6 periods.
When recombination is occur then the prime 13 is forced to → 12 where the impact (Δ1) goes to 18+13+12=43 on the last 7th row. This sequence is simulated by a flowchart having 12 arrows flowing on 10 (ten) shapes of prime 31 up to 71 (40 nodes).
With theoretical foundations in Information Engineering (Discrete Mathematics, Control Theory, System Theory, Information Theory, and Statistics), my research has delivered a suite of systems and products that has allowed me to carve out a niche within an extensive collaborative network (>200 academics). (Umer.Ijaz)
Mapping the quantum way within a huge of primes objects (5 to 19) by lexering (11) the ungrammared feed (7) and parsering (13) across syntax (17) (₠Quantum).
By this project the above would be deployed as default layout. It is set to be avalaible throughout the whole platform via a single page within a parser repository which is acting as prime 13. Their interface will be in json and xml format.
Here is for the sample:
"title":"Mapping System",
"content":"<p>Hello, <strong>world</strong>.\nI am here.</p>\n",
"links": [
{"title":"Go tour on Mapping System ","url":""},
{"title":"A backed pretty display for markdown","url":""},
{"title":" for programmers","url":""}
Using a kind of interface such as docker then it could be developed cross platform. Evenso. Let assume that all alpabethic letter in the sequence is representing a local disk so you may build your own pattern in your PC such as shown below:
The tensor product of a triplet with an octet reducing to a deciquintuplet, an anti-sextet, and a triplet appears diagrammatically as a total of 24 states.
Using the same procedure, any direct product representation is easily reduced.